Bolsonaro’s Supporters Are Pushing To Change Brazil’s Voting System.
Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro is increasingly insisting on the use of auditable printed ballots. This is a hybrid system where electronic ballot boxes will also print receipts, which can be calculated if any results are questioned.
Government supporters staged demonstrations in several Brazilian cities on Sunday, calling for changes to the country’s electronic voting system.
In a video broadcast to the protesters in Brasilia, Bolsonaro once again warned that “if the election is not clean and democratic, it will not be held next year.” He said: “Those who say that electronic voting is safe and need to be audited The person is a liar.” Bolsonaro claimed that the electronic ballot box allowed election fraud, although he did not provide evidence in such cases.
Brazil’s Supreme Electoral Court and its members of the Supreme Court said that the electronic voting system is not fraudulent, and they said the system is efficient and auditable.
Critics say Bolsonaro, like former US President Donald Trump, is sowing suspicion. Opinion polls paved the way for him not to accept failure.
In 2022, after monitoring the second or more coronavirus outbreak, his decline in popularity is fatal in the world.
Opinion polls show that he is behind the former left-wing President Luis Inasi O Lula da Silva. Although none of them officially announced that they would stand for election.
Bolsonaro’s supporters also held demonstrations on Sunday in Brazil’s two largest cities, Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, in support of the electoral changes he wants.
A bill that proposes a paper ballot but is expected to face failure. Bolsonaro’s ally, Speaker of the House of Commons, Arthur Lilla, opposed the proposal, calling discussions on the voting system a “waste of time”.