The Chief Minister Of Chhattisgarh Meets With A Boy Who Became Popular For Singing “Bachpan Ka Pyaar.”
Sahdev Dirdo became popular with a viral video showing the school boy singing “Bachpan Ka Pyaar.”
A young man whose singing video transformed him into an overnight Internet sensation has now been complimented on his success by the main chief minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel. Recently, a video of the student singing the 2019 melody Bachpan Ka Pyaar went enormously popular via web-based media. In the short clasp, which has piled up more than 9 million perspectives on Instagram, the kid – Sahdev Dirdo – was seen remaining before his instructor as he sang. The video was shot two years prior yet surfaced via web-based media as of late, setting off the viral Bachpan Ka Pyaar online media pattern which has seen cooperation from big names, powerhouses and even police offices.
This week, Sahdev Dirdo was congratulated by Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel. Mr Baghel took to Twitter on Tuesday to impart a video to the student and stated: “Bachpan Ka Pyaar… Wah (Wow).”
In the clasp, Sahdev Dirdo can be seen remaining with the main clergyman and his assistants. At their solicitation, he by and by sings the melody that transformed him into a viral sensation.
The video has been viewed more than 4 lakhs times on the microblogging platform, and many people are complimenting the boy’s talents.
Baghel also shared a post for Sahdev before. “Sahdev received so much love from Chhattisgarh and all over the country during his childhood. I hope this boy has a bright future,” he wrote.
According to Free Press Journals, Sahdev belongs to the Sukma district of Chhattisgarh.
His videos have triggered a huge trend on social media, and the mix of rapper Badshah has further boosted his popularity. Badshah posted a remixed version of the song on Instagram on July 16. It has been viewed 54.9 million times on Instagram.
The Mumbai Police also participated in the “Bachpan Ka Pyaar” viral trend through an interesting post shared yesterday on cybersecurity.