Ali Sami Farooq – Mobile App vs Web App For My MVP
You’ve been brainstorming for a while now and you’ve come up with the next big thing, says Ali Sami Farooq. Now you’re thinking about building your MVP(Minimum Viable Product) and find yourself asking the question: Should the MVP be a mobile application or a web application?
Before we dive into the pros and cons of these two, it’s important to know that a website and a web application are not the same thing!
Difference between a web app and a website?
A website consists of one or many static web pages to provide users with information about the company / product. On a website, users can’t perform any functions other that scrolling and viewing content. Your website exists for visibility, SEO, online presence, etc. regardless of whether you choose to build a mobile app or a web app.
On the other hand, a web application is an interactive site where users can perform various actions. Facebook, Asana, TripAdvisor etc are great examples of Web Apps. TripAdvisor e.g allows users to plan their trips; from picking the right place to eat by reading reviews to making hotel bookings, the web app allows users to perform a variety of functions on the web app rather than just viewing information!
You might have noticed that most common applications have both, a web app and a mobile app (e.g Slack), but as a startup you probably don’t have the budget for both, which is probably why you’ve ended up at this blog post.
There’s no straightforward answer to which one you should go with first because this varies from business to business. To help you figure it out, we’ve come up with a list of the 5 most important things to consider before making your decision:
How Frequently Will People Access The Application?
Do people need to access your application 5-6 times a day or is it something that people will only be using once a day or once every few days? If you’re building something that needs to be accessed frequently, you would probably want to go with a mobile application first. People don’t want to open a browser and type a URL every time they want to access an application. Imagine having to open a browser every time you wanted to message someone! However, a web application is perfectly fine for something like Google Docs because people prefer preparing their documents on a laptop; it all depends on what makes life easier for your user.