Trump aggressive, Clinton steady in tense debate
The tension between Mr. Trump and Ms. Clinton was palpable from the start of their 90-minute debate. The two U.S. presidential nominees set off the event with several personal attacks in the light of Mr. Trump’s leaked tapes. First sign of the escalating tension: no handshake as they met at centre stage.
Plunging right into the heated topic, Mr. Trump was asked to comment on the tapes that were leaked on Friday. The real estate mogul denied that he never kissed and grabbed women without their consent. The Republican nominee said thate “it was just locker room talk and he was not proud of it.” He argued that his crude words from a newly released video paled in comparison to what he called Bill Clinton’s abuse of women.
Standing a few feet away from the former president’s wife, he accused Hillary Clinton of attacking those women herself. “She should be ashamed of herself,” Trump declared.
In the town hall format, where both the nominees took questions from the audience, the issues covered include healthcare, Syrian crisis, refugees and tax laws. Mr. Trump was asked to respond about his “proposed ban on Muslims into America.” while Ms. Clinton had to tough deal with questions on her deleted emails.
In a stunningly brazen move, Mr. Trump met Sunday night with several women who have accused Bill Clinton of rape and other unwanted sexual advances, just over an hour before stepping on the debate stage.
The Trump pre-debate event was the clearest sign yet that he planned to use Bill Clinton’s extramarital affairs to try to distract from the swirling controversy over his own predatory remarks about women. Trump is under enormous pressure from his own Republican Party after the release of a 2005 video in which the businessman can be heard saying his fame allows him to “do anything” to women.
To learn more about the history of the U.S. presidential debates:
That concludes 90 minutes of a feisty presidential debate. The third and the final debate will be on October 19.
It began without a handshake, but it ended with one. That’s something? #Debates2016
8:03 am Name one positive thing in one another, asks member of the audience to both the candidates.
Clinton: His children. Trump’s children are incredibly able and devoted and that says something about Trump.
Trump: She’s not a quitter. She’s a fighter. I may disagree with what she’s fighting for but I consider that quality the best.
8:00 am On clean energy
Trump says EPA is very restrictive and putting energy companies out of business. He also promises he’ll revive steel manufacturing in the US.
Clinton says she will appoint trade prosecutor to take care of steel/China etc.
7:59 am
Twitter announces this is “the most tweeted debate ever.”
Clinton: Trump’s candidates will reverse Roe vs. Wade and reverse marriage equality. I want a judge who will support marriage equality.
Trump: I already have 20 potential Supreme Court justices picked out. I will appoint SCOTUS justices in the mold of Justice Scalia
7:49 am
“Trump: If HillaryClinton is president, she’ll be all talk and nothing will get done. ”
7:45 am
Clinton on “deplorables”: “my argument is not with his supporters, it’s with him.” #debate
7: 42 am Trump is asked by an audience member if he can be a president for all Americans. He says of course and notes that Clinton called half of his supporters “ a basket of deplorables.”
7:40 am Trump complains to the moderators, says that Clinton went more than a minute over without being stopped. He says that he gets stopped for going a second over.
7:35 am On Syria and ISIS
Trump says Russia has gone “wild” with their nuclear program. Trump doesn’t mention any part of his plan to fight ISIS. He adds that we need to focus on ISIS an disagrees with Pence that should consider targeting Assad.
Clinton: I do not want American troops on the ground in Syria. I would go after Baghdadi. I would arm the Kurds. I know there is a lot of concern about arming but arming the Kurds would be a way of handling it.
7:25 am On taxes and tax cut
“Clinton: Donald always takes care of Donald and people like Donald. I want to invest in you — I want to invest in hard-working families. ”
“Trump: You were a senator. Why didn’t you change the tax law? ”
7:20 am On Russia and hacking
Hillary pivots on her transcripts and accuses @wikileaks of working with Russia. #debate
Clinton says never in the history of America has a foreign power made such an effort to impact results of an election.
Trump: I know nothing about the inner workings of Russia. But it will be great to get along with Russia to fight ISIS
7:16 am Trump quotes Bernie Sanders and says, “Hillary Clinton has bad judgement.” Adds that “she should never be president of America.”
7:08 am On Muslims in America
“It’s called extreme vetting.” Trump says on Muslim ban.#ClintonVsTrump #debates
“Unfortunately there have been a lot of divisive, dark things said about Muslims, ” Clinton says.
7: 05 am On Obamacare
Trump says Obamacare is a total disaster and needs to be replaced.
Clinton says we’ll fix what’s wrong with Obamacare.
6:59 am: “You’d do anything to create a diversion from the campaign, Donald,” says Clinton.
6: 58 am: Clinton apologises for emails. Trump interrupts and says Clinton has nothing to say.
6:56 am
“Clinton: It’s awfully good someone like Donald Trump is not in charge of law and order… Trump: Because you’d be in jail. ”
6:55 am: On the subject of Clinton’s deleted emails, Trump says he will seek special prosecutor on e-mail fiasco if he wins.
Trump says he will , as President, get a special prosecutor to look into Hillary’s emails. #ClintonVsTrump #debates
6:50 am: In response to Trump’s comments on Bill Clinton, Hillary repeats Michelle Obama’s line from the DNC-“When they go low, you go high”
6:49 am: Trump defends himself by bringing up Bill Clinton. Says “Bill Clinton was far worse. Nobody in the history of the politics of the country as abusive to women.”
Trump now attacking Clinton’s answer as “just words,” then pivots back to trashing the “inner cities.” #debate
6:43 am Clinton takes on the tapes. Says Trump is unfit to be president, not just for his remarks against women, but against hispanics, Muslims and people with disability.
“”Donald Trump is unfit to be president.””
6: 41 am Trump is asked about the tapes that were leaked. “It is locker room talk,” reiterates Trump many times. He adds that he is embarrassed by it but moves on to talking about ISIS being the bigger threat now.
Here’s some background on the leaked tapes that tainted Trump’s image further.
On Friday, The Washington Post released tapes of Donald Trump from 2005 in which he is heard making lewd remarks on women. The comments enraged many leading to many Republican leaders pulling out their support for their nominee. It included former presidential nominee and senator John McCain.
On Saturday, Mr. Trump issued this apology.
6: 35 am Hillary Clinton takes the first question from the audience. The question is on the standard of the previous debate.
6: 30 am The debate is about to begin. The candidates take their stand at the podium.
No hand shake #debates
6: 25 am Former president of U.S. Bill Clinton and Melania Trump take the stage.
6:10 am This debate has a different format from the previous one. The nominees will take questions from the audience during the 90-minute debate.
6: 00 am If you are wondering why you’ve been hearing about the US elections, which will take place in November 2016, for more than a year now, here’s a quick lesson through the process involved.
Source: The Hindu