Sanders to campaign for Hillary
The long-drawn battle of nerves between Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her intraparty challenger Bernie Sanders appears set for a formal closure on Tuesday when both appear together at a rally in New Hampshire.
Mr. Sanders is all set to campaign for Ms. Clinton as dramatic global and domestic developments added more uncertainties into the presidential race in recent weeks. The Orlando terror strike last month by a U.S-born Muslim and the Dallas shooting of five police officials by an African American youth last week have triggered highly divisive and persisting public debates, giving a fillip to the campaign of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Mr. Sanders has repeatedly stated that he would do all that he could do to stop Mr. Trump. Ms. Clinton has already secured the party nomination by winning a majority of the party delegates.
A statement issued by both campaigns said Ms. Clinton and Mr. Sanders would join at the rally “to discuss their commitment to building an America that is stronger together and an economy that works for everyone, not just those at the top.”
The announcement came soon after the Democratic Platform Committee finalised the party’s political agenda for the 2016 elections, which Mr. Sanders described as the “most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party.”
While Ms. Clinton agreed to adopt several proposals from Mr. Sanders, the latter conceded on a key issue – the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). Mr. Sanders had held out on the issue until the last minute, with his nominees in the platform committee demanding a commitment to stall any vote in the U.S Congress on the trade deal, effectively killing it. While Ms. Clinton too has declared her opposition to TPP, she was unwilling to go as far committing to block it. President Barack Obama has leaned on the party to prevent a more disapproving tone on the deal in the platform draft.
“We have made enormous strides,” Mr. Sanders said. “Thanks to the millions of people across the country who got involved in the political process – many for the first time – we now have the most progressive platform in the history of the Democratic Party.”
Mr. Sanders said the full platform committee made several changes and additions to the draft prepared by the drafting committee. A new proposal on criminal justice reform calls for an investigation by the Department of Justice into all shootings involving police officers. New amendments calls for a $15 federal minimum wage tied to inflation, progressive immigration reform and legalization of marijuana.
In a significant concession to students, a key Sanders constituency, Ms. Clinton has already announced a plan that would make public colleges and universities tuition free for students from families with incomes up to $125,000 a year. “That would result in free tuition for 83 percent of American students.” Mr. Sanders said. The candidate has also announced a commitment to expand healthcare access to vulnerable sections of the society.
The first draft itself had committed to abolish the death penalty, break up big financial institutions, end corporate tax loopholes, ban private prisons and expand Social Security. The Democratic National Convention last week of this month in Philadelphia will adopt the final version of the platform.